
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Matthew 24:14

Now more than ever there is an urgency to share The Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. As this world & every nation sees changes they thought they would never see in their lifetimes, many are seeking answers.  The answer is the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ. We are witnessing the birth pangs of Matthew 24 The Lord Jesus predicted would happen as his return would be drawing near, this shows it is right at the door!! Now is the time to engage & be a witness. We are willing to train & prepare missionaries to share the faith, make disciples & win souls throughout different nations so The Kingdom of God may expand even further.

Join the mission

Serve with us as a missionary on our upcoming mission's trip [TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON]

If The Lord has called you to serve abroad or in your local city & community, please contact us so we can discuss your willingness to serve in an outreach capacity with us.

If interested in our active missions

If you have interest or sense the call of God to join in missions reach out to us and we'll connect with you via email.